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Global Ramp presnting at the PanAmerican games side event, held in Lima, Peru (22.8.2019)

This week we had the privilege to be included as one of the speakers in the Accessibility side event of the PanAmerican games, held in Lima, Peru. The event included participants from a variety of organizations promoting Accessibility and Inclusion in Latin America as Conadis Peru, Fais, CENAVOL, and representatives from different ministries as the Ministry of Education, Tourism, Transportation and more. In addition to Global Ramp, the speakers list included different Israeli Accessibility solutions and companies as OrCam, Make-Sense, Affect and Wix.

In the event, led by the Israeli Embassy in Peru, we've presented the way Accessibility is being implemented in Israel based on the Access Israel model, and how the same model can be also implemented globally. In addition, some of the Technological solutions Global Ramp is collaborating with as been presented as well, like the A check App of Tamar Accessibility.

We wish to thank the Embassy of Israel in Lima, Peru, and especially to Mr. Ariel Rosenstein, Deputy Chief of Mission in the Embassy, for the opportunity to present Global Ramp's Accessibility Implementation Solutions.

Image Description: two screens on both sides of a conference hall, presenting Or Cohen, Global Ramp's Founder, presentation accompanied with a live streaming, while the participants from the different organizations listening.


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